Background of Acupuncture
For over 2,000 years, acupuncture has been used to promote health and well-being, and its application to facial rejuvenation is no exception. Tiny, painless needles are delicately inserted at key pressure points, stimulating the body’s natural healing process.
This technique releases endorphins, enhances blood circulation, and encourages the production of collagen—the protein responsible for youthful, firm skin.
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How Many Facial Acupuncture Sessions Are Needed?
Unlike dermal fillers or anti-wrinkle injections, facial acupuncture is not a quick fix. The treatment’s results are progressive, so multiple sessions are recommended to achieve and maintain the best cosmetic and anti-aging benefits. At JR Medical, we develop personalised treatment plans to suit your specific needs and ensure long-lasting, radiant results.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Facial acupuncture is a safe and minimally invasive treatment with few side effects. The most common side effect is mild bruising or slight bleeding, which, if it occurs, typically resolves within a week. If you have a bleeding disorder or are taking anticoagulants, we advise consulting your GP before scheduling an acupuncture session.
At JR Medical Clinic, all facial acupuncture treatments are performed by a registered doctor and member of the British Society of Acupuncturists, ensuring the highest standards of care and safety. Along with a rejuvenated and smoother complexion, many patients report a profound sense of relaxation, making the experience akin to a luxurious spa visit.
Rejuvenate your skin and enhance your natural beauty with facial acupuncture at JR Medical Clinic in Southend-on-Sea. Our skilled practitioners are here to help you achieve a brighter, more youthful appearance with a treatment that promotes both beauty and well-being.